Sunday, February 28, 2010

Expectation of Better Government

Security is top of the mind for children today. We are so scared nowadays and there is no safety anywhere. The safety of Indian citizens should be of prime importance. Dream of a country is to live in peace and harmony for everybody. For many, better governance and a stronger and more alert police and armed forces are the need of the hour.

While almost nobody aspires to be a politician, one big aspiration they have for the country is that India should be governed by good politicians. Many children want a good police force and good politicians. While the police force needs to be more alert, the politicians should have unity amongst them. How can they run a country when they are themselves divided in their opinion and there are 20-30 political parties?

We should pay attention to farmers in our country as they are in trouble and are committing suicides. We should realize that agriculture is the backbone of the country and our economy depends on it so there should be more help and concern for farmers in distress.

The education system needs to change. We should not be graded on everything and should be allowed to study what we want to. Then India will be an ideal country for children. There is only one thing which will make India just the ideal country. We should be a happy country and then everything will be alright

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